What does helicity mean ? (see also: Helicity in simple terms; Preprint of DOI: 10.1007/ s12036-008-0006-1) | Helicity on the Web
Books and Book Chapters
- Pevtsov, A.A., Berger, M.A., Nindos, A., Norton, A.A., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.: 2014, “Magnetic Helicity, Tilt, and Twist”, Space Science Reviews, 186, issue 1, 285-324, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-014-0082-2
- Magnetic Helicity at the Sun, in Solar Wind and Magnetospheres; Vistas from X-Ray Observatories, Buechner, J. and Pevtsov, A.A. (Eds.), Advances in Space Research, Volume 32, Issue 10, 2003, (Pergamon).
- Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboratory Plasmas, M. R. Brown, R. C. Canfield, A. A. Pevtsov (Eds.), 1999, (AGU).
Helicity Meetings
- The NORDITA program on “Solar helicities in theory and observations: implications for space weather and dynamo theory“, Stockholm, Sweden, 4-29 March 2019
- Helicity Thinkshop 3, Tokyo, Japan, 19-23 November 2017
- Chapman Conference on Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboratory Plasmas. Boulder, CO, USA, 1998, see book.
- 34th COSPAR SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY, Scientific Commission D, “Magnetic Helicity at Sun, in the Solar Wind and Magnetospheres”, Houston, TX, USA, 2002, see special issue
- XXVth IAU General Assembly, JD03: Magnetic Fields and Helicity in the Sun and Heliosphere, Sydney, Australia, 2003
Art and Helicity

Helicity in Solar Corona
Coronal observations from the Soft X-ray Telescope aboard the Yohkoh spacecraft provide a number of examples of sheared coronal structures in the shape of a forward or backward S. From our point of view these structures indicate electric currents flowing in the corona, whose direction determines the sense of the shear. A force-free field model gives a good example of that.

Here is a model linear force-free field with alpha > 0 (left) and alpha < 0 (rigth). Electric currents are parallel to the magnetic field vector for the positive alpha and antiparallel for the negative alpha. Further discussion of that may be found here
Sigmoids in the Yohkoh soft X-ray observations.
13 Nov 1992 24 Dec 1992 3 Feb 1993 27 Mar 1992 21 Nov 1992 25 Jan 1993 9 Apr 1992 24 Apr 1993 23 Jul 1992